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A Scary Transition and Wake-up Call

Writer's picture: Isabel PfisterIsabel Pfister

There's an old saying that if you don't slow down and make time for your health, your body will do it for you. Sometimes even the most health-conscious person can get that wake-up call that forces them to slow down and appreciate what works in their world.

I wrote in my first post about the health challenges that I have faced this past year. While it was frightening at the time to face the situation, there is another saying - attitude is everything. I could let fear dictate my choices and let myself wither into being an invalid, or I could be the person I want to be and face up to the challenges presented as they come. I could feel sorry for myself or I could do something about it. I also realized that, while I had written five books (at that time number six was pending) I was still treating my writing as a hobby. If I didn't take it seriously, why should anyone else? I knew changes needed to happen.

Fortunately for me, writing for children and working in elementary school blend well together. In many ways, the two feed off of each other. For one thing, children are honest about what works and what doesn't. I also get some of my best ideas from children. At a reading I gave a few years ago, two little boys came up to me afterward to say that, while they liked my story, they wanted to hear more about one particular part. So many times, students come up to me on the playground with suggestions of story ideas. While I can't write them all, I always add them to my list of future topics. Some of those suggestions might very well be the students' way of telling me not only what they want to read, but what themes they need to get. I respect the teachers' lesson plans in every class I work in, but it sure is a treat when I can share one of my books for a read-aloud.

I have changed some parts of my routine out of necessity. Other changes have come up by choice. I now take any days that I am not in school to either write, draw, or work on marketing in my studio. While I was recuperating from my health issues, I was fortunate to take part in an online writers' conference. I enjoyed it so much that I have continued to attend online conferences over other breaks from school. I have opened myself to working on other projects, like this blog, to keep my skills sharp in between books. I opened my mind to forms of social media that I was not open to before, for book promotion. The biggest change has been in my attitude. I realized that as long as I have stories to tell and pictures to draw, I want to keep doing it. And if I can combine that with my other love, teaching, then it is a beautiful thing.

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